Removing tools of restriction

Israel uses the following tools to restrict free movement of Palestinians:

  • Fences and walls, especially the 700 km long barrier which isolates about 9% of the land and 25,000 Palestinians from the rest of West Bank.
  • Around 700 road obstacles which control Palestinian movement within the West Bank, such as gates, barriers, earth mounds and most importantly checkpoints.[1]
  • About 130 government-approved settlements and 100 unofficial ones, home to around 400,000 Israelis. An additional 200,000 Israelis reside in 12 neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem.[2]
  • Israeli habitations close to Palestinian habitation in urban centres, mainly in East Jerusalem and Hebron (700 people in Hebron),
  • Complete control over the border with Jordan,
  • Complete control of the airspace of all Palestinian land and access to the sea in Gaza. 

Again, the actions would have to be direct. Targeting a fence would mean seeking to dismantle the fence. An action against an Israeli settlement would take the shape of entering this settlement and disrupting the ongoing daily life there, for example by damaging buildings or other facilities.

The goal of NVR would be to ensure Palestinian sovereignty and free movement of all Palestinians on Palestinian land. Israelis present on Palestinian land without authorization from the Palestinian authorities would be very uncomfortable with Palestinian exerting their sovereign rights. It would completely disrupt the life of the settlers living there and make it impossible for the Israeli security forces to keep an absolute control over Palestinian land.

Continue with Possible Israeli countermeasures.

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