Why does a guy from Germany create a website dealing with this topic? After all, I have no personal connection with the whole issue. And one could argue that there are bigger challenges at the moment: Climate change, poverty in many countries, health threats such as pandemics, nuclear proliferation to name a few. That may be so but on all these issues you already have countless numbers of members of civil society active. Governments and big institutions invest vast amounts of resources to face these challenges. Mankind should spread out to tackle challenges of different importance to a degree appropriate to their importance.
That is why you will have some members of civil society focusing on protecting some wildlife in the region they live in. Others will support a local theatre. This is all perfectly fine as long as you don’t have 2 million people supporting local theatres and only 200 people fighting climate change.
As for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, you can see vast numbers of members of civil society investing time and effort in it. Governments and international institutions also dedicate considerable resources for this issue. Countless diplomatic failures paint a clear picture. But the aspect I pick up on my website has been largely overlooked so far. Why? I don’t really know. It would probably be better if someone else would take a closer look at the strategic option of NVR. But as long as this is not the case, I will do it.