Tactics of countermeasures

The better the Palestinians are able to predict likely Israeli countermeasures against NVR, the better they will be able to adjust their tactics to render these countermeasures ineffective. Many important questions and details would need to be worked on. Those who come to mind are listed below:

Are there any alternatives to the four discussed countermeasures which were overlooked?
It may be possible that Israel could use countermeasures not discussed here which are efficient without making look Israel too bad.

How could Israel provoke violence amongst the activists?
How difficult would it be to place own agents in the crowd of activits? What actions could be so provocative that they would stir up emotions, thus making activists’ violence more likely?

In what way can the Israeli security forces prevent the movement of big numbers of activists to access the field of action?
If Israel succeeded in preventing the planned movement of activists it could make it more difficult to focus NVR on the weak spots of the occupation. 

How could arrest and release and disperse in practice look like?
To answer this question, profound expertise on police tactics to counter mass gatherings of people would be needed. 

How could Israel disrupt the filming and disseminating of the events?
Would it be possible to identify those activists carrying mobile phones by technical means even if they are on “flight modus”? Would it be possible to make the use of objects using electricity in a certain area temporarily impossible by using technical means?

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