To be successful, the NVR movement would have to be very large, highly organized and completely nonviolent. The activists would have to act under a unified Palestinian leadership which would exert complete command and control authority over all activists. A grass root approach could never reach the level of coordination and discipline needed for success.
This in turn, would require full Palestinian support for the NVR resistance, that is the leadership of all relevant factions (namely Fatah and Hamas) and of a large majority in the population. As long as this is not the case, it would be highly likely that the campaign would also include violent elements which would lead to an Israeli victory.
In public declarations both Fatah and Hamas see advantages in NVR. Most but not all statements from Fatah leaders reject armed (=violent) resistance as they harm the Palestinian cause. As opposed to that, Hamas publicly declares that armed resistance is the natural right of Palestinians and can also be successful to overcome the occupation.